Reviving the Sunna
Since 2007, we have led the effort to revive the vast and rich Islamic scholarly tradition. We have been at the forefront of delivering relevant and digestible avenues of spreading sacred knowledge.
Without a doubt, the Islamic tradition is a deep and vast ocean of jewels. As Muslims living in the West, we have found ourselves often playing an important role in recent times: to preserve and protect our inherited tradition, while firmly establishing it for generations to come. The uniqueness of the Islamic tradition is one where each successive generation of scholars have received their knowledge from a verifiable chain of transmission. This has allowed Muslims in every generation the ability to trace the source. The Imam Ghazali Institute has been conducting Islamic education intensives of varying lengths since 2007 with the goal of reviving love and attachment to the traditional sciences of sacred knowledge.
“The courses are a must for all Muslims living in the West. Often we are posed with what seems like difficult questions that challenge us to our core. Not knowing or having the right answers can sometimes cast doubt on one’s faith. Questions around the existence of God and our Deen are being challenged from all directions and spheres of our society, often rendering the Muslim perplexed and dumbfounded. IGI courses will put your mind and heart at ease. Islam does have the answer to everything and the faith can be explained at all levels. ”