Abu ad-Darda': A Biography
ABU AD-DARDA’ al-Khazraji al-Ansari رضي الله عنه was a noble sahabi who was an authority on the Qur’an. He was renowned for his piety, abstinence and strict adherence to the religion. Faith in Allah and His Messenger ﷺ permeated his entire being. He was one of the few who collected the Qur’an as it was being revealed.
His Acceptance of Islam رضي الله عنه
One morning, ‘Uwaymir ibn Malik al-Khazraji, also known as Abu al-Darda’ رضي الله عنه, woke up early and went to his personal idol, which he kept in the best spot of the house. He rubbed the idol with the most expensive perfume sold at his shop, and draped it with an exquisite silk cloak which had been gifted to him the day before by a trader returning from Yemen.