
The Khasa’is: An Introduction to the Unique Characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

The Khasa’is: An Introduction to the Unique Characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

The Khasa'is genre of literature revolves around the unique characteristics and distinctive features of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

The term khasa'is is derived from the Arabic language, meaning "unique characteristics" or "distinctive features." This genre of literature aims to celebrate and elevate the status of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ by emphasizing his exceptional qualities and the special relationship he held with Allah. Khasa’is constitutes a significant part of Islamic scholarly tradition, as it focuses on the life, virtues, and miracles of the Prophet.

The Origins of the Khasa’is Genre

The Khasa'is literature emerged as a distinct genre in the early Islamic period, with scholars and theologians dedicating their works to exploring and narrating the extraordinary aspects of the Prophet's ﷺ life. These works often drew from various sources, including the Quran, Hadith, and historical accounts, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Prophet's exemplary life ﷺ.

On Recitation of the Qur'an: External and Internal Etiquette

On Recitation of the Qur'an: External and Internal Etiquette

O beloved! Know that recitation of the Holy Qurʾān counts among most excellent of worships, in particular when undertaken during the ritual prayer in the standing position (qiyām).

The Prophet ﷺ said,

‘The most excellent worship before me is recitation of the Qurʾān.’

Moreover, He ﷺ said,

‘Those who are esteemed with recitation of the Qurʾān yet appraise that others have been granted a superior prize, have come to depreciate that which the Lord ﷻ has honoured.’

What is Futuwwah?

What is Futuwwah?

Futuwwah linguistically derives from fa-ti-ya, meaning to be youthful. It is related to the word fatā meaning a young male, and Fityan being a gathering or group of youth. Fata is understood from the aspect of age to be one in between the period of early teens and manhood. It connotes the meaning of a youth moving from one stage of life to another, or transitioning from adolescence into an age of a youth having greater maturity.

This transitioning into a stage of greater maturity, of course, does not equal entering into the stage of wisdom displayed by elders, just as Yazid al-Raqashi stated that youthfulness displayed by elders is a despicable trait. Fata can also carry the meaning of a slave, or one who serves another who is superior in social rank.

Why Write About ‘Blackness And Islam'?

Why Write About ‘Blackness And Islam'?

If we are to live Islam with the social integrity and unity that the Qur’an and Sunnah bid us to do, as well as defend the honor of Islam from those who lob intellectual bombs against our faith, we need knowledge.

Sound knowledge of our tradition & our history will help us to remedy our trauma, improve our behavior, and also to rebut skewed claims, especially in the African American community.

Blackness And Islam is an attempt to spread this beneficial knowledge, to help us in these noble endeavors.

An Introduction to Qasidah Burdah: The Most Famous Poem in the World

An Introduction to Qasidah Burdah: The Most Famous Poem in the World

The Burdah of Imam al-Busiri might be one of, if not, the most famous poem in the world. Chances are, you've heard portions of this growing up or in passing. It's that famous "mawlaya salli wa sallim" nasheed so many know sing.

It is a poem that contains many profound - even miraculous - secrets.

It is a study of the seerah and spirituality all in one.

Today, 800 years after it was composed, this ode to the Prophet ﷺ is probably the world's most often recited poem as well.


First & foremost:

Reading, singing, & reciting the Burdah is a means for us to strengthen one’s love for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ & connection to him. And connection to the Prophet ﷺ is, of course, one of the best means of seeking the forgiveness, mercy, & pleasure of Allah, the Most High.