The Khasa'is genre of literature revolves around the unique characteristics and distinctive features of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
The term khasa'is is derived from the Arabic language, with the meaning "unique characteristics" or "distinctive features." This genre of literature aims to celebrate and elevate the status of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ by emphasizing his exceptional qualities and the special relationship he held with Allah. Khasa’is constitutes a significant part of Islamic scholarly tradition, as it focuses on the life, virtues, and miracles of the Prophet ﷺ.
The Origins of the Khasa’is Genre
Al-Khasa’is al-Muhammadiyya is a collection of three major works in the Khasa’is genre, published by Imam Ghazali Publishing in 2023.
The Khasa'is literature emerged as a distinct genre in the early Islamic period, with scholars and theologians dedicating their works to exploring and narrating the extraordinary aspects of the Prophet's ﷺ life. These works often drew from various sources, including the Quran, Hadith, and historical accounts, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Prophet's exemplary life ﷺ.
One of the primary purposes of Khasa'is literature is to inspire love, reverence, and emulation of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ among Muslims. By elaborating on his unparalleled virtues and miraculous events surrounding his life, this genre of literature seeks to foster a deep connection between the believers and their beloved Prophet ﷺ.
Additionally, the Khasa’is genre serves as a means of countering any arguments or misconceptions about the Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ status and role in Islam.
Throughout history, Khasa'is literature has played a vital role in shaping the Islamic understanding of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his esteemed position within the faith. It has helped Muslims develop a deeper bond with the Prophet ﷺ by offering insight into his biography, character, and virtues.
Furthermore, the Khasa'is genre has also contributed to the preservation and propagation of the Prophet's Sunnah (traditions), as the study of Khasa’is serves as an essential source for understanding his teachings and practices.
The Khasa'is literature covers a wide range of topics related to the Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ life, including his physical attributes, personal qualities, moral character, and family life. Khasa’is literature also discusses his prophethood ﷺ, the revelations he received from Allah, his role in spreading the message of Islam, and his leadership during various battles and expeditions.
Beyond the Khasa’is: Prophetic Studies
Habib ‘Umar’s Who is the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ? is a short work of Sirah (Prophetic biography) published by IGP in 2021.
The study of the Prophet Muhammad's life and teachings ﷺ, known as Sirah or Seerah (Prophetic biography), has given rise to various genres of literature within Islamic scholarship. These genres focus on different aspects of the Prophet's life, character, and mission.
Some of the prominent genres of prophet studies ('Ulum al-Muhammadiyya) include:
Seerah (or Sirah)
The Sirah literature covers the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from his birth to his passing, providing a detailed account of his personal life, family, and the significant events that shaped his mission.
Some well-known Sirah works include:
Sirat Ibn Hisham by Ibn Hisham
Sirat RasulAllah ﷺ by Ibn Ishaq
Al-Raheeq al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar) by Safiur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri
Imam Ghazali Publishing has released several works of Sirah, including Habib ‘Umar’s Who is the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ? and The Luminous Moons by Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari.
Shama’il (Prophetic descriptions)
Shamail literature focuses on the physical appearance, demeanor, habits, and daily life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. These works aim to provide a vivid and intimate portrait of the Prophet ﷺ to inspire love and emulation among Muslims.
The most famous work in the Shama’il genre is Al-Shama'il al-Muhammadiyya by Imam al-Tirmidhi.
Khasa’is (Unique characteristics)
As previously discussed, the Khasa'is genre focuses on the distinctive features and unique qualities of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, emphasizing his virtues, miracles, and special relationship with Allah.
IGP’s Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, a selection from the Shifa’ of Qadi ‘Iyad, includes discussion of his ﷺ unique miracles which are covered in works of Khasa’is.
Dala’il (Proofs of Prophethood)
The Dalail al-Nubuwwa genre centers on the evidences and proofs of the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ. These works present arguments and examples from the Quran, Hadith, and historical accounts to substantiate the claim of the Prophet Muhammad's divine mission ﷺ.
Works in this genre explore various facets of his Prophethood ﷺ, such as the fulfillment of prophecies, the miracles he performed, the wisdom of his teachings, and the impact of his message on the world.
By providing a rational and theological basis for the belief in the Prophet Muhammad's prophethood ﷺ, the Dalail al-Nubuwwa genre seeks to strengthen the faith of Muslims and address any doubts or skepticism. Notable works in this genre include:
Dalail al-Nubuwwa by Imam al-Bayhaqi
Kitab al-Dalail fi Hujaj al-Nubuwwa by Abu Nu'aym al-Asbahani
Maghazi (Military expeditions)
Maghazi literature deals with the military campaigns and battles that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ participated in or commanded during his lifetime. These works provide insights into the strategic, political, and religious contexts of these events.
Early works in this genre include Kitab al-Maghazi by Ibn Sa'd.
Major Scholars in Khasa’is and their Works
IGP’s bilingual edition of Imam al-Tirmidhi’s Al-Shama’il al-Muhammadiyya is one of the major works published in the Shama’il genre in recent years.
Several prominent Islamic scholars have contributed to the Khasa'is literature, with their works becoming central to the understanding and appreciation of the Prophet's unique qualities.
One of the most well-known works in this genre is Al-Khasais al-Kubra, authored by the esteemed Islamic scholar Imam al-Suyuti. In this comprehensive compilation, al-Suyuti meticulously gathered accounts of the Prophet's life and character, highlighting his special characteristics and the miracles attributed to him.
Suyuti’s smaller work of Khasa’is include al-Khasais al-Sugra and Shaykh Izz al-Din inn ‘Abd al-Salam’s Bidayat al-Sul. Both are included in IGP’s Al-Khasa’is al-Muhammadiyya.
Examples of that Which is Specific in this World to the Messenger ﷺ
The Prophet ﷺ was singled out as the first of the prophets to be created, and by prioritizing his prophethood, and he was a prophet while Adam was between water and mud, and by prioritizing the taking of the covenant with him, and that he was the first to say “Indeed” on the day of:
“Am I not your Lord?” (Al-A’raf, 172)
Adam عليه السلام and all creatures were created for his sake ﷺ, and his honorable name was written on the throne and in all the heavens and the gardens and what is in them and all that is in the kingdoms.
The angels’ mention of him ﷺ at every hour, and his name was mentioned in the call to prayer in the era of Adam عليه السلام and in the highest kingdoms. He ﷺ took the covenant of the prophets, Adam عليه السلام, and after him, that they believe in him, support him, and preach about him in the previous books, describing him in them, his companions, his successors, and his nation.
Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari’s The Luminous Moons is primarily a work of Surah, although it also contains elements drawn from the Shama’il and Khasa’is genres of prophetic studies.
Also among his specialties are Satan’s veiling from the heavens at his birth ﷺ, as well as the cutting open of his chest, and the placement of the seal of prophecy on his back behind his heart, where Satan enters. For the rest of the Prophets, their seal was on their right hand.
He ﷺ has a thousand names, and that his name is derived from the name of God Almighty, and that he was named from among the names of God by about 70 names.
For example, he ﷺ was named Ahmad, and no one before him was named with him, and because the angels shadowed him in his travels.
The Prophet ﷺ was the most intelligent of people, and that he was given all beauty, and Yusuf عليه السلام was given only half of it.
From his ﷺ unique qualities is the Night Journey and what it included of penetrating the seven heavens and the heights to which he reached, and traversing in a place that no prophet sent nor an angel near has been, and by the revival of the prophets for him ﷺ, his prayer as an imam with them and with the angels, his exposure to heaven and hell, his vision of the great signs of his Lord and his preservation so that his sight did not become cloudy or transgress, as well has his seeing the Almighty God twice, and the angels fighting alongside him and walking with him as they walked behind his back.
He ﷺ was exclusively given the Basmalah, Al-Fatihah, Ayat Al-Kursi, the last verses of Surat Al-Baqarah and the long and detailed seven chapters, and that his miracle of the Qur’an will continue until the Day of Resurrection, while the miracles of other prophets have been given for its time only; and that he has the most miracles of the prophets, and that he collected all the types of miracles and virtues given to the prophets individually. All of them were given separate types of miracles, but he was given all.
How to Benefit from Khasa’is Literature
Understanding the purpose of Khasa’is literature like Al-Khasa’is al-Muhammadiyyah, studying the works, and implementing their teachings in one's life are vital in connecting to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
The Khasa'is genre not only provides insight into the exceptional qualities and virtues of the Prophet Muhammad, but also helps Muslims develop a deeper connection with him; for this reason, many books of Khasa’is often have sections discussing the unique qualities of the Ummah as well.
Understand and Reflect on the Purpose of Khasa’is
The primary aim of Khasa'is literature is to celebrate and elevate the status of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ by emphasizing his ﷺ unique characteristics, virtues, and miracles.
Understanding the purpose of this literature will help you appreciate its significance and approach it with the right mindset.
Study the Major Works of the Genre
IGP’s Al-Khasa’is al-Muhammadiyya is available in both hardcover and in a premium leather PU cover edition.
Study the works: Delve into the prominent works of Khasa'is literature, such as Al-Khasais al-Kubra and Al-Khasa’is al-Muhammadiyya. These works provide comprehensive accounts of the Prophet's life, character, and distinctive features.
Studying these works will help you gain a better understanding of the Prophet's virtues ﷺ and the reasons behind his revered status that is often discussed throughout Islamic literature.
Reflect on the teachings and Lessons of Khasa’is
As you study the Khasa'is literature, take the time to reflect on the teachings and virtues of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Consider how these qualities can inspire and guide you in your own life, and how they can help you become a better.
Implement the teachings in your life
One of the most significant ways to benefit from Khasa'is literature is to apply the teachings and virtues of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in your own life:
Emulate his character ﷺ
Follow his Sunnah (traditions) ﷺ
Strive to uphold the moral and ethical principles he embodied ﷺ
Strengthen your love and reverence for the Prophet ﷺ
By studying the Khasa'is literature, you can develop a deeper love and reverence for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This emotional connection is essential in Islam, as it fosters a stronger bond between the believer and the Prophet ﷺ, ultimately drawing you closer to Allah.
Enhance your understanding of Islamic history:
Khasa'is literature also provides valuable insights into Islamic history, as it discusses and contextualizes various events and aspects of the Prophet's life.
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Imam al-Suyuti’s Al-Khasa’is al-Sugra and Imam Ibn ‘Abd al-Salam’s Bidayat al-Sul fi Tafdil al-Rasul are two of the works included in IGP’s Al-Khasa’is al-Muhammadiyya