Juz 15: “The Honoring of Mankind”
Ayat 1-26
Many of the previous surahs focused on stories of nations that rejected guidance. Here, in Surah al-Kahf, we find that Allah offers examples of various people who did follow guidance, and how it saved them from suffering the same fate as the disbelievers. This serves as yet another proof of the Qur’an being the true guidance that will lead to salvation, - as the first ten verses of the surah assert - just as Divine guidance of the past led the people mentioned in this surah to their salvation.
Allah begins this surah by relating to us the story of the People of the Cave. We learn that they were youth who realized that, if they wanted to follow Divine guidance, they would have to isolate themselves from the disbelieving people and their environment. Consequently, Allah used their lives as a sign for future believing generations, by giving them a miraculous life. Through this, he provided humanity with clear proof that He is the Creator and that the Resurrection is a reality.